Cum se prepara Cocktail-ul TEQUILA SUNRISE?

Ingrediente :
-45 ml tequila
-105 ml suc de portocale
-15 ml grenadine
Preparare :
Se amesteca tequila si sucul de portocale cu cuburi de gheata intr-un shaker dupa care se
toarna intr-un paharb tip tumbler.Se toarna incet pe fundul unei lingurite grenadine in
pahar.Se asteapta sa se aseze dupa care se amesteca incet.
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-2 ounces gold tequila
-4 ounces fresh orange juice
-3/4 ounce grenadine
The order of steps for making this drink creates the effect that gives the Tequila Sunrise its name. When the grenadine is added to the glass, it initially sinks to the bottom and then begins slowly to rise thus, suggesting the origin of the "sunrise" name.
The order of steps for making this drink creates the effect that gives the Tequila Sunrise its name. When the grenadine is added to the glass, it initially sinks to the bottom and then begins slowly to rise thus, suggesting the origin of the "sunrise" name.
- Place ice in glass so it is half full. Add tequila followed by the fresh orange juice.
- Put a flat handled spoon into the glass. Add the grenadine quickly, allowing it run down the back side of the spoon so it sinks to the bottom of the liquid.
- Garnish with an orange slice and
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