Cum se prepara Cocktail-ul ZOMBIE?
Ingrediente :
-30 ml rum negru
-30 ml rum alb
-30 ml suc de ananas
-o lingurita zahar fin
Preparare :
Se agita ingredientele cu gheata dupa care se toarna intr-un pahar tip tumbler mare
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The Zombie is an exceptionally strong cocktail made of fruit juices, liqueurs and various rums, so named for its perceived effects upon the drinker. It first appeared in the late 1930s at Hollywood's Don the Beachcomber restaurant. It was popularized soon afterwards at the 1939 New York World's Fair. It was heavily promoted with the intriguing warning ‘Limit two per customer.’ Tell people they can only have two, and of course they want even more.”
Ingredients:-1 oz Light Rum
-1 oz Dark Rum
-2 oz Orange Juice
-2 oz Lemon Juice
-Dash of Grenadine
-1/4 oz Cherry Brandy
Pour over ice in that order into a Sling Glass or a Zombie Glass and garnish with an orange slice and a cherry. a cherry.
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