Ingrediente cocktail Bloody Mary
-1/3 (volum vas) ml vodca
-2/3 (volum vas) ml suc de rosii
-o jumatate lingurita de worcestershire sos
-1/3 (volum vas) ml suc de lamaie
-sare de telina si piper dupa gust
Preparare cocktail Bloody Mary
Se agita ingredientele intr-un shaker cu gheata dupa care se pune intr-un pahar tip collins.
Se orneaza cu o frunza de telina.
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Nothing is better in the morning (as a brunch cocktail or hangover cure) or on a cold day than the spicy tomato flavor of a Bloody Mary. You can make it as spicy or mild as you want, using either more or less hot sauce, or (better yet) add the spice of tequila by making a Bloody Maria. Bloody Marys are often garnished with a celery stalk, but many will either use a pickle spear or both. For a non-alcoholic version try a Virgin Mary.
Ingredients :-1 measure vodka
-2 measures tomato juice
-1/3 measure lemon juice
-1 dash of Worcestershire sauce
-salt and pepper to taste
Shake the ingredients well with ice and strain into a wine glass.
Garnish with celery leaves.
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